Grim Dawn Wiki
Restored Shrine

A restored Shrine.

Shrines are a means of earning Devotion points. They can be found scattered throughout the world of Cairn, however following the Grim Dawn they have fallen to ruin or become corrupted by sinister forces and will require restoration or cleansing in order to earn Devotion points.

There are two types of Shrines:

  • Ruined Shrines will require various items to restore them
  • Desecrated Shrines will summon a wave of creatures for the player to dispatch in order to purge the Shrine of its corruption.

Restoring a shrine grants a single point of Devotion, with a maximum of 50 points in the base game, increased to 55 for the Expansions.

Shrine Distribution[ | ]

The base game has a total of 59 Shrines across all three difficulties, 28 in Normal, 17 in Elite and 14 in Ultimate.

With the Ashes of Malmouth Expansion, shrines were added for acts 5 and 6, bringing the total to 73 shrines across all difficulties: 33 in Normal, 20 in Elite and 20 in Ultimate.

Forgotten Gods adds a further 12 shrines to the new content, as well as adding 12 new shrines to the previous six acts and making all shrines available on Ultimate difficulty, making it possible to reach 55 devotion points in a single play-through when starting on Ultimate.

Note: Once 50 (base)/55 devotion points have been achieved, shrines will only drop levelled gear and give XP.

Normal Elite Ultimate Total
Base Game 28 17 14 59
Ashes of Malmouth 33 20 20 73
Forgotten Gods 49 51 59 157

Shrine Locations[ | ]

Act 1 Shrines[ | ]

(In-game name)
Shrine Type Offering/Challenge
Normal Elite Ultimate
1 The Burial Cave
(Burial Hill)
Ruined Aether Crystal x2 Aether Shard Aether Shard FG
2 Devil's Aquifer Ruined Aether Crystal Aether Shard FG Aether Shard FG
3 Cavern
(Foggy Bank)
Desecrated Kill a wave of Slith Kill a wave of Slith Kill a wave of Slith

The Flooded Passage
(Flooded Passage)

Desecrated Kill a wave of Aetherials Kill a wave of Aetherials FG Kill a wave of Aetherials FG
5 The Burial Cave
(Burrwitch Outskirts)
Ruined Aether Crystal x2 Aether Shard FG Aether Shard FG
6 Burrwitch Estates Desecrated Kill a wave of Aetherials Kill a wave of Aetherials Kill a wave of Aetherials FG
7 Underground Transit
(Warden's Lab)
Ruined Aether Crystal x2 Aether Shard Aether Shard
8 Craig's Crags
(East Marsh)
Ruined Chipped Claw Severed Claw Severed Claw
9 Hallowed Hill Ruined X Aether Shard FG Aether Shard FG
10 The Hidden Path Ruined X X Riftstone FG
11 Temple of the Three Desecrated Kill a wave of Aetherials FG Kill a wave of Aetherials FG Kill a wave of Aetherials FG

Act 2 Shrines[ | ]

(In-game name)
Shrine Type Offering/Challenge
Normal Elite Ultimate
1 Spined Cove
(Arkovian Foothills)
Desecrated Kill a wave of Undead Kill a wave of Undead Kill a wave of Undead FG
2 Rocky Coast Ruined Frozen Heart Vengeful Wraith Vengeful Wraith FG
3 Old Arkovia Desecrated Kill a wave of Skeletal Enemies Kill a wave of Skeletal Enemies FG Kill a wave of Skeletal Enemies FG
4 Cronley's Hideout
(Cronley's Lair)
Ruined Scrap
Scavenged Plating
Scavenged Plating
Scavenged Plating
5 Arkovian Undercity
(level 3)
Ruined Chilled Steel Coldstone Coldstone
6 Steps of Torment
(level 3)
Desecrated Kill a wave of Skeletal Enemies Kill a wave of Skeletal Enemies Kill a wave of Skeletal Enemies
7 Barren Highlands Ruined Polished Emerald Imbued Silver FG Imbued Silver FG

Act 3 Shrines[ | ]

(In-game name)
Shrine Type Offering/Challenge
Normal Elite Ultimate
1 Mountain Deeps Desecrated Kill a wave of Arachnids Kill a wave of Arachnids FG Kill a wave of Arachnids FG
2 Forgotten Depths Ruined Serrated Spike Vicious Jawbone FG Vicious Jawbone FG
3 Tyrant's Hold Ruined Scavenged Plating
Searing Ember
Enchanted Flint Enchanted Flint
4 Infested Farms Ruined Mutagenic Ichor Mutated Scales FG Mutated Scales FG
5 Den of the Lost Desecrated Kill a wave of Riftspawn Kill a wave of Riftspawn Kill a wave of Riftspawn
6 The Blood Grove
(Blood Grove)
Ruined Chthonic Seal of Binding
Consecrated Wrappings
Chthonic Seal of Binding
Consecrated Wrappings
Chthonic Seal of Binding
Consecrated Wrappings
7 Village of Darkvale
(Darkvale Village)
Desecrated Kill a wave of Chthonics Kill a wave of Chthonics Kill a wave of Chthonics
8 Stonerend Quarry Desecrated X Kill a wave of Aetherials FG Kill a wave of Aetherials FG
9 Port Valbury Outskirts
(Port Valbury)
Desecrated Kill a wave of Aetherials FG Kill a wave of Aetherials FG Kill a wave of Aetherials FG
10 The Conflagration Desecrated Kill a wave of Aetherials FG X Kill a wave of Aetherials FG

Act 4 Shrines[ | ]

(In-game name)
Shrine Type Offering/Challenge
Normal Elite Ultimate
1 Asterkarn Valley Ruined Cracked Lodestone Amber FG Amber FG
2 Asterkarn Valley
(Mogdrogen's Shrine)
Ruined (Requires Rhowari Legacy quest)
Runed Stone of Mogdrogen, Spirit of Mogdrogen, Ancient Heart
3 Lost Tomb of the Damned
(Tomb of the Damned)
Ruined Ancient Heart Ancient Heart
Blood of Ch'thon
Ancient Heart
Blood of Ch'thon
Tainted Brain Matter
4 Gates of Necropolis
Desecrated Kill a wave of Chthonics Kill a wave of Chthonics FG Kill a wave of Chthonics FG
5 The Black Sepulcher Ruined Roiling Blood Hollowed Fang Hollowed Fang
6 Bastion of Chaos Desecrated Kill a wave of Chthonics Kill a wave of Chthonics Kill a wave of Chthonics
7 Sanctum of the Immortal Ruined X X Skeleton Key
8 Tomb of the Watchers Desecrated Kill a wave of Chthonics FG Kill a wave of Chthonics FG Kill a wave of Chthonics FG

Act 5 and 6 Shrines[ | ]

(In-game name)
Shrine Type Offering/Challenge
Normal Elite Ultimate
1 Gloomwald Desecrated Kill a wave of Beasts AoM Kill a wave of Beasts FG Kill a wave of Beasts AoM
2 Ancient Grove Desecrated Kill a wave of Beasts / Eldritch AoM
3 Tomb of Ugdall
Ruined Ectoplasm
Chilled Steel
Vengeful Wraith AoM Vengeful Wraith AoM
4 Malmouth Outskirts
Ruined Aether Shard AoM Aethersteel Bolts FG Aethersteel Bolts AoM
5 Crown Hill Desecrated Kill a wave of Aetherials AoM Kill a wave of Aetherials AoM Kill a wave of Aetherials AoM
6 Sanctum of the Chosen Ruined X X Skeleton Key AoM
7 Den of the Ancient Ruined X X Ugdenbloom x3 FG
8 Barrowholm Mine Desecrated X X Kill a wave of Chthonics FG
9 Desolate Wastes
(Void's Edge)
Desecrated X Kill a wave of Chthonics FG Kill a wave of Chthonics FG
10 Ransacked Lighthouse Desecrated Kill a wave of Aetherials FG Kill a wave of Aetherials FG Kill a wave of Aetherials FG
11 The Infestation Desecrated X X Kill a wave of Aetherials FG

Forgotten Gods Shrines[ | ]

(In-game name)
Shrine Type Offering/Challenge
Normal Elite Ultimate
1 Temple of Osyr Desecrated Kill a wave of Beasts / Insectoids FG
2 Hidden Refuge
(Korvan Oasis)
Ruined Battered Shell FG Rigid Shell FG Rigid Shell FG
3 Cairan Docks Desecrated Kill a wave of Eldritch Creatures FG
4 Sandblown Ruins Desecrated Kill a wave of Beasts / Eldritch FG
5 Sanctuary of Horran Desecrated Kill a wave of Eldritch Creatures FG
6 Ruins of Abyd Ruined Chilled Steel
Cracked Lodestone
Searing Ember
Radiant Gem FG Radiant Gem FG
7 Tomb of Nephos
(Valley of the Chosen)
Desecrated Kill a wave of Eldritch Creatures FG
8 Sunward Spire Desecrated Kill a wave of Eldritch Beasts FG
9 Tomb of the Eldritch Sun Desecrated Kill a wave of Eldritch Creatures FG
10 Tomb of the Heretic Desecrated Kill a wave of Eldritch Creatures FG
11 The Shattered Realm Treasure Room
(Splendors of the Shattered Realm)
Ruined Aether Crystal FG Celestial Lotus FG Celestial Lotus FG
12 Sanctum of the Chosen Ruined X X Skeleton Key FG

Tier 1
Ascendant AnvilEmpty ThroneFalconHammerHarpyOwlShepherd's CrookToadWolverine
Chaos FiendGhoulJackalRatViperVultureWretch
Eldritch Akeron's ScorpionBatEye of the GuardianFoxHawkQuillRavenScholar's LightSpider
Order Assassin's BladeCraneDryadLionPantherStagTortoise
Primordial BullEelGallowsHoundImpLizardSailor's GuideTsunamiWraith
Tier 2
AfflictionAlladrah's PhoenixAmatok the Spirit of WinterAssassinAutumn BoarBard's HarpBehemothBerserkerBlades of NadaanBysmiel's BondsChariot of the DeadCrabDire BearHarvestman's ScytheHuntressHydraKrakenMagiManticoreMessenger of WarMurmur, Mistress of RumorsOklaine's LanternRevenantRhowan's CrownRhowan's ScepterScales of UlcamaShieldmaidenSolael's WitchbladeSolemn WatcherStaff of RattoshTargo the BuilderTempestTyphos, the Jailor of SoulsUlo the Keeper of the WatersWendigoWidow
Tier 3
AbominationAeon's HourglassAttak Seru, the MirageBlind SageCrossroadsDevotionDying GodIshtak, the Spring MaidenLeviathanLight of EmpyrionMogdrogen the WolfObelisk of MenhirOleronRattosh, the VeilwardenSpear of the HeavensTree of LifeUlzuin's TorchUltos, Shepherd of StormsUnknown SoldierVire, the Stone Matron
