Grim Dawn Wiki

This note is found in a Dilapidated Urn in the Remnants of Korvan City.

Business is good, better than it has ever been. The new location has certainly paid off, at the heart of the marketplace near the spice merchants, during the week of ceremonies leading up to the ascension no less.

Business is good indeed. The streets and alleyways surrounding the shop are overflowing as thousands of people come and go, procuring provisions, fine linens, food and drink in preparation for the week's festivities.

There are new customers too, and sellers of foreign goods. Many more than I remember from years past. I think word has gotten out that the temple has once again felt the warmth of the Eldritch Sun and so many have come from far and wide in hopes of laying eyes upon its splendor; or to make a tidy profit from the celebrations that follow.

Tomorrow, I shall prepare a small caravan and display my wares at the foot of the temple, just like we used to do. The entire city will be gathered there to witness the chosen be selected from the temple's devotees. Everyone will gather there again, three days hence, when the procession enters the temple and the chosen will give themselves to the Eldritch Sun.

Your great grandfather used to tell me stories of these ceremonies in his day. He said that Korvaak himself presided over them, deep inside the temple, convening with the chosen and leading them down into the temple's burning heart. The divine would sometimes bless his worshippers with a brief appearance outside the temple. His mere presence was allegedly enough to cure the ill and strike blind the wicked.

Such a sight certainly has not happened in my lifetime. I'm not sure anyone living, apart from the most devout priests has ever laid eyes on the Eldritch Sun. Perhaps we are no longer worthy of such things. Perhaps he has looked into our hearts and seen that all too many have come only to enjoy the festivities, with no intention of truly paying homage or offering prayer. It is a different time, no doubt. Perhaps a good time. The city is as beautiful and radiant as it has ever been and its people happy and successful.{^n}{^n}I only wish you could be here to see it.

I will send this by caravan to Cairan where hopefully it will reach you when you return to port. Please, my son, consider coming to visit me. I would so love to hear of your adventures, off in the far-off places you've seen, of the exotic cities you've visited. I know the life of a shipmate is a busy one, but do remember your old father. It won't be long before they take me to the sands and leave me for the good of the night creatures. They don't build temples for crusty old merchants after all.

With all my heart.

Your Father,

