Grim Dawn Wiki

In Grim Dawn, the old rover Kuldo does have a lot of tales to tell, though not much more than that.

Initial dialogue[ | ]

Kuldo gladly welcomes the peaceful player, but warns them not to bring violence into the rover camp.


You're the first to find us in a long while. You're welcome to warm yourself at our fire but, when you leave, I ask that you keep this place a secret.

  1. Sure, I can do that.Dialogue advances to section 2.

So long as you do not bring violence into this place, you are welcome to return.

  1. Any wisdom to share for the road ahead?Dialogue advances to a tale randomly chosen out of six Kuldo can tell: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
  2. I have to be on my way.Dialogue immediately advances to section 2 of the regular dialogue.
  3. Thank you, I'll remember that.Dialogue ends.

Subsequent dialogue[ | ]


My path is long and I've seen much in this world. What wisdom do you seek traveler?

  1. I'm not sure exactly, what do you have to tell?Dialogue advances to a tale randomly chosen out of six Kuldo can tell: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
  2. I have to be on my way.Dialogue advances to section 2.

May your path be true.

  1. On second thought, any wisdom you can share?Dialogue advances to a tale randomly chosen out of six Kuldo can tell: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
  2. Farewell.Dialogue ends.

Kuldo's Wisdom[ | ]

Kuldo can provide a lot of insights on matters like the surrounding area, the history of the rovers, the Bloodsworn, other planes of existence, and more.


The material world you see around you is not the limit of reality, nor is this the only realm of existence. Our folklore tells of travelers who have found hidden paths to slip through the veil between realities and pass into other realms of existence. Those who have returned tell of fantastic worlds, vastly different from our own.

(The player has to selectContinueto advance dialogue.)

The coming of the Aetherials is proof of that and the rifts they use to cheat distance and time, to travel instantly from place to place, are wounds in the veil of reality. We rovers have seem many things, not Aetherial, pass through their rifts to enter our world. Even if we could drive them all out, will these wounds ever heal?

  1. An interesting tale, what else can you tell me, old man?Dialogue advances to a tale randomly chosen out of six Kuldo can tell: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
  2. I have to be on my way.Dialogue immediately advances to section 2 of the regular dialogue.
  3. Later, old timer.Dialogue ends.

The Ch'thonic cults have been around since before the first traveler took to the roads. Under the Empire, they were outlawed and driven underground. Where cults were uncovered by inquisitors, the Emperor's nightblades would be sent to hunt down and execute the practitioners. Even so, they could not be eradicated and now they grow ever more powerful as people flock to them seeking purpose or salvation.

(The player has to selectContinueto advance dialogue.)

More troubling though, I've heard tale that the cults have had success of late in calling forth the monstrous servants of their god to walk this world.

  1. An interesting tale, what else can you tell me, old man?Dialogue advances to a tale randomly chosen out of six Kuldo can tell: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
  2. I have to be on my way.Dialogue immediately advances to section 2 of the regular dialogue.
  3. Later, old timer.Dialogue ends.

Since the breaking of the Grim Dawn, many new terrors have entered our world and old ones have proliferated without the watchful eyes of the Empire's hunters keeping them in check. Still though, the most treacherous creatures you will encounter on the roads are humans. You cannot easily tell friend from foe when dealing with other humans and we are a most cunning creature. Beware the criminal gangs and crazed loners out on the roads, often posing as desperate souls looking for help.

  1. An interesting tale, what else can you tell me, old man?Dialogue advances to a tale randomly chosen out of six Kuldo can tell: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
  2. I have to be on my way.Dialogue immediately advances to section 2 of the regular dialogue.
  3. Later, old timer.Dialogue ends.

The First Traveler was Rhowan, a king of old Arkovia, the city which once ruled over these lands and many others. It is said that Rhowan met an old man on the road while returning from a battle. The old man spoke of many strange things and revealed that he was a god who had wandered every path in this world since the dawn of time. He warned Rhowan that a great doom would befall Arkovia because of his people's obsession with title and ownership.

(The player has to selectContinueto advance dialogue.)

When Rhowan returned, he renounced his throne and lands and took to the road, keeping only what he could carry. Many joined him and they were called the Rhowari and eventually became modern day rovers. Most of the Arkovians ridiculed Rhowan, including his family who thought him mad but, in the end, the old man's prophecy came true; Arkovia fell to ruin, its lands cursed to this day.

  1. An interesting tale, what else can you tell me, old man?Dialogue advances to a tale randomly chosen out of six Kuldo can tell: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
  2. I have to be on my way.Dialogue immediately advances to section 2 of the regular dialogue.
  3. Later, old timer.Dialogue ends.

Many, even among our kind, have forgotten the truth of our name. "Rover" is an outsider name confused for our true name, Rhowari, the people of Rhowan. Over time, we've gotten so used to being called Rovers, many among us have come to favor it. We've become a careless, traveling free-folk and lost sight of our first true path.

  1. An interesting tale, what else can you tell me, old man?Dialogue advances to a tale randomly chosen out of six Kuldo can tell: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
  2. I have to be on my way.Dialogue immediately advances to section 2 of the regular dialogue.
  3. Later, old timer.Dialogue ends.

The movements of rovers among the lands of the settled peoples are not always welcome and so we've learned many hidden pathways across this realm. If you're looking to get beyond the Wightmire, the bridge to Burrwitch Village has been destroyed, but beneath it there is an entrance to a flooded passage that can take you there. I would only travel that path now in dire need as the cave, treacherous even in better times, has become increasingly populated with Slith and other monstrosities.

  1. An interesting tale, what else can you tell me, old man?Dialogue advances to a tale randomly chosen out of six Kuldo can tell: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
  2. I have to be on my way.Dialogue immediately advances to section 2 of the regular dialogue.
  3. Later, old timer.Dialogue ends.